I had noted the Versago-II Mount for its high potential of the analogue setting circle.But, at the same time, there were some things to be customized or corrected for the actual use.The reversed azimuth ring I had quoted on August 27th at this corner is one of them..This time, I made the new cursols that were imperfect on the original set.Altitude cursol, acrylic plate, is made adjustable for +-2 degrees.(photo1) It is set on the end of the dovbetail of L bracket.While, azimuth cursol has no need to be adjustable because the azimuth ring is rotatable. Now, the setting circles will work perfectly.
Versago-II マウントの目盛り環が実用になるために、方位目盛り環の反転と、高度、方位に新たにアクリル製のカーソルをセットしました。 方位のカーソルは固定式で、目盛り環を回して初期設定が行えます。 高度については、カーソルの方を±2度程度調整できる構造にして、初期設定を可能にしました。 それぞれのカーソルのセット箇所は写真の通りです。(高度のカーソルはLブラケットのアリガタの端面にセット)