正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
These EMS units by Tatsuro Matsumoto are a fine piece of craftmanship. The man takes pride in his work and it shows. After looking at these units when they first arrived, I thought their appearence was closely ressembling product received from Pentax or Canon. As a matter of fact as part of the adjustment process on the bino units, a Pentax Helicoid unit is used. The EMS units use all mirrors, no prisms – therefore no light loss or added color.
There are more adjustments to attend to than a binoviewer. The end result blows a binoviewer away. The visual 3D effect is only hinted at in binoviewers. Here in the binoscopes it’s very pronounced ! The moon’s crater walls jump at you with detail. You are actaully looking down both sides of the mountain ranges. The amount of information your eyes see is probably amplified by a factor of three over simple binoviewers. Not to mention you have much greater light gathering ability; but the same resolution of a single scope. You would think after looking through the the binoscopes that your resolution had just gone way up, though it has not. When looking at the Sun in white light, the binoscopes were very impressive. The sunspot group coming into view on the limb actually showed a depression. We thought this to be an optical illusion; but too many people saw the same view. We cannot explain it. It surfices to say the solar white light view was the best veiw I ever had of a stellar object so far. I expect the moon’s views to be superb also. Then next as the moon sets, I will try clusters and extended deepsky objects next; but I really think these bino ( EMS ) units will perform their best on the planets.
The Bino backs just slip into the 2″ back of your focuser. You first have the interpupillary adjustment which is done by moving the Pentax Helicoids on each rear EMS unit. On the right Bino unit there is an ALTaz ajustment for correction in the x-y plane and next you need to correct in the rotational or axial plane. For example in the left eyepiece there might be a telephone pole that is placed 6 to 12 o’clock. But in the right eyepiece that same pole might be 11 to 5 o’clock. There is a rotation portion of the bino back that handles this adjustment. Of course the two scopes must be parallel and the bino backs must be parallel also. Once you place them into the focusers, you must align them with respect to one another. The scopes must be close to the same focal length for the same power, the eyepieces must be the same and you make all adjustments at medium to high power at infinity.
Is it easy to align them or does precise alignment not matter ?
The above process is really more simple than it sounds. I can be setup and running, now that I know the procedure, in about 5 minutes for equipment setup and another 5 minutes for alignment. After that each person that looks through the scopes has to adjust for their own interpulliary adjustment and re focus.
I can recommend these EMS bino units to you if your considering the purchase. It is the ultimate binoculars for those who want the ultimate view. The planets are now up and I am about to start evaluation of the planetary views shortly.