Precautions on the rotation of the second (eye-side) Unit / 眼側(第2)ユニットを回転させる時の注意事項!

Let me reuse the data of the question of my client I got by an e-mail this morning.
It is a very good question!

Never touch the screws except for the Black arrowed ones!
I will attach the image.
And never forget putting a tape on the rotation line and cut along it in advance, which is important to know the original angle and to know how much you rotated the second(eye-side) unit.
Normally, the rotation will be very very small within the width of the black line on the tape, even if you saw large inclination of the field!
 それから、回転させるラインをまたいで、事前に黒線を引いておいたマスキングテープを貼っておくのをお忘れなく! それによって、原状が分かるし、どれだけ回転させたかが分かるからです。どんなに激しい像回転に見えても、実際に第2ユニットを回転させる量は極めて微量で、黒線の幅すら超えることは稀だとご理解ください。