Eye-focusers for the light-weight eye-pieces with the EMS.
(Do not use on super-heavy-weight eyepieces such as 1 kg or more.)
Another EMS-UL SET for Germany completed!
This EMS-UL SET is specialized for the “D” of 190mm so that it can be used on the Center Mount. Diameter of the dew-shield of the OTA should be smaller than 190mm. From 10 cm to 15cm of the OTA will be no problem.
Center Mount for EMS-BINO for Germany completed
これで水平回転部の部品は払底しました。 垂直回転ユニットは最後の1台分だけが残っています。以前に引き合いがあった時には、在庫僅少を理由にご注文をお断りしてしまいました。不公平が生じてしまいましたが、その辺の判断の微妙な機微、お客さんとのタイミングと相性があるのです。
Partial Solar Eclipse on 12/26,2019
EMS-ULS SET in black for Germany completed/ -ULS 黒完成
EMS-ULS SET in black for Germany near completion
AAS2-Skysafari System on the 115EDT-BINO
This Altitude Sensor,”AAS-2″ also includes WIFI output that will enable the perfect PushTo assistance with the SkySafari App on the tablet.
115EDT-BINO just completed! 完成しました。
New Mirror of the EMS-UL / -ULのミラーが変わりました。

The material mirror of the EMS-UL or the eye-side mirror in common with the larger EMS will change into this final shape, from now on.
I used to edge the normal 45-deg diagonal mirror into the final shape one by one, and it was rather painstaking task.
Now,EMS is taking another historic leap for the mass production.
TS80-BINO by Morteza in France / フランスのMortezaさんのTS80-BINO
Dear Tatsuro
I finally finished my TS80/480 binoscope with your EMS-UL system. It works perfectly. No vignetting at all even with my 36mm hyperions. Adjusting for image superposition is very easy. The image quality is breathtaking both in day and night. Orion Nebula was extraordinarily brilliant, Andromeda galaxy is completely in the field… With available eyepieces I went up to x60 and think we can go up to 100-120 without having any problem. A PERFECT SET! To reach into focus with all my 2″ eyepieces I used the shortened eyepiece holders that you kindly made for me with 1 cm shorter length. They are sufficiently long as the eyepiece is totally inserted into them. The whole set of binoscope (excluding the fork mount and the tripod) weights 7.4 kg. Would you like more pictures?
Thank you a million time
Dear Morteza,
Congratulations on your fine TS80-BINO completed!
Nothing is more thrilling to hear from the users of their joy with the finished Binoscope.
And I am looking forward to seeing your further report.
Best regards,