Today, I am going to show you the perfect adjusting model of the binocular viewing and the cross-eyed adjustment which many of the novice would often be trapped in.

If you can adjust EMS correctly, the target will appear in the same positon in both of the left and right field.
Try the two images merging into one by the parallel watching. You will find one merged target and also one merged field.

If you are trapped into the cross-eye viewing, you will adjust the images as the photo above.
Try the two imaged merging into one by the parallel watching. You will also find one merged target and also one merged field.
In the actual binocular viewing the left and right field will not perfectly merge as the photo below.
However in the experiment of this way, the field appear a bit behind from the target.
Anyway remember that you should always aim at the position of the top example.
This is the typical image of the binocope cross-eye adjusted.
I could not show you by the parallel watching of the above images.

ターゲット(土星)に対して後方に見えました。 現実のBINOでは画像のように、だるま状になるんですけどね。