Judging from the terrestrial viewing the unique oiled three- elements objectives seem to be superb.
But, my concern is other aspects of the OTA.
This OTA was also rather top heavy and I could not shift the OTA forward enough I wished to do. It’s not fault of only this OTA, but I can say about all of the high graded three elements Apochromatic OTA. But I wonder why the concerning guys who claims that they are interested in my EMS-BINO would not make effort of solving the COV(Center Of Gravity) issue.
Anyway I made my best in shifting the OTA forward as far as possible.
I found the knobs of the focusers would collide with the pillar, I set them on top instead of the bottom.
The focuser was replaced from the original one to the Feather Touch True-3-inch type. But I think the normal 3-inch type was enough for this purpose. The end adapter was unnecessary.
FTF(Feather Touch Focuser) has established the status of high quality focuser, and many of the high graded OTAs take it. I also think the focuser is good but only in the rotation clamp, it is not good. The clamp is not efficient even when I fastened the three knobs so tight.
Many of the OTA makers seem to be interested in my EMS, but very few seem to seriously study the EMS and think the suitable spec of the OTA as the material of the binoscope.
バックフォーカスの問題一つを取っても、BINO用だけに短鏡筒を準備するというのは、メーカーさんにとっても負担なわけで、私もいつも最初から短い鏡筒をデフォルトにしておき、フォーカサーの対物側に選択パイプを準備しておくことを提案しているのですが、なかなか行動に移されません。 その他、鏡筒径、対物フード径、鏡筒バンドのデザイン等も、BINOの素材としての最適化が考えられるのですが、メーカー、販売店共、大方全く無頓着であり、口先でEMSに興味があると言われても、その本気度を疑います。
Back-focus is one of the example. Providing the shorter tubed OTA specially for binoscope planner is not enough,I think. I recommend them to produce the shorter tube as the default and provide the extension tubes for the single use.