正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
カテゴリー: Diary
I think my web-diary is a bottle-mail to be thrown into the cyber ocean.
I believe there must be someone in the world who shares my feelings with. I do not intend to debate on anything with anyone.
I welcome the favorable e-mails only. e-mail FACEBOOK
You can see the older posts at the Internet Archives,too
Debate をする気はないので、反論のメールは要りません。^^;
麒麟 Kirin is the legendary animal originated in ancient China, and 獅子 Shishi is also halfly legendary animal for the ancient Asia, but often regarded as a Lion reproduced by the remote propagation without directly watching it. Kirin-Jishi is the combination of the two kinds of the legendary animal in ancient Japan. This key-holder type of the head of KIRIN-JISHI was brought and given to me by my friend when I left the Hospital after one-month. What increases the value of it is that it was just my friend originally made, even it is the metal-alloy reproduced from his original carvings.
I am sorry to say that my blood disease was discovered and have to focus on the treatment for the time being. Two pairs of the EMS-UXL will be finished before I go to the hospital on 6/6. But I must apologize to other guys who are waiting for the orders , asking for another week or two to wait more. 血液の病気に罹患してしまい、来月の初旬より、しばらく入院致します。 EMS-UXL ×2 は、入院予定日(6/6頃?まで延ばしてもらう予定)までに仕上げるつもりですが、その他の方につきましては、大変恐縮でございますが、さらに1~2週間程度お待たせしますこと、なにとぞお許しくださいますよう、お願い申し上げます。
Ashizu-Valley is located about an hour drive south of Tottori city. I was drowning in work, but kind sister-in law and her husband invited us to this half-day relaxation. 振り返ると、苦笑するほど何処にも行かず、ストイックに仕事に追われる人生でしたが、最近、義理の妹夫妻が、息抜きに近場の散策に誘ってくれます。昨日は、鳥取市から南、車で1時間程度の所にある、”芦津渓”(智頭町)付近を散策させていただいた。