正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
TOA 125倍では、木星は衛星まで含めて約1/3の視野に収まっています。木星の縞模様がはっきりと確認できました。M13では、無数の星つぶを立体的にとらえていました。環状星雲M57は、リング状のはっきりとした輪が確認できました。12cmF5に比べ、星以外の宇宙ががどこまでも暗く、暗黒の空間を感じました。
Above is the test carving of the first LOGO that I have turned over for a few months. Each of the outline represents “M” of Matsumoto and in total, that represents a Binoscope.
I have done the careful kernings on the first logo.
“Searching for a sword by marking the gunnel.” is the fable from the Chinese classics written more than two thousand years ago. The original story is for a stupid man who was optimistic when he dropped his sword out of his ship. He said marking the gunnel of moving ship that “There will be no problem. I can take the sword at the marking point of the gunnel at the next port.” I just remembered the fable after the series of exchange of Q and A with a novice binosocpe user. It is not only for the “Novice” but is the warning to all of us including myself at thinking of an appropriate strategy for collimating the binoscopes.
1. When you mistakingly blow the liquid on the mirror, or you find the mirrors dirty after long period of time; wipe the mirror with tissue paper soaked in absolute ethanol.
2. Of course, you should take off the sleeve and the filter to access the second mirror.
3.and 4. If you don’t want to take the barrel off, you should at least unscrew off the entrance aperture. You need not a special tool to do it. You have only to hook your fingers to unscrew the aperture. When it is too tight to unscrew, you can use rubber sheet or something to protect your finger.
5. Then soak the tisse paper in the absolute ethanol.
テッシュペーパーに無水エタノールを少し滲み込ませます。 別にこの容器を準備する必要はありません。
6. Don’t save on the paper. Never wipe more than one stroke. You should dispose the paper in each stroke. Of course, when you see any dust on the mirror, you should blow off the dust in advance of wiping.
But, you don’t have to be too nervous of hurting the mirror as long as the tissue paper is wet and new. The mirror surface has enough durability in wet-wiping because it is dielectlic over coated on the silver coatings.