Another APM140-BINO near completion / 完成間近

Another APM140-BINO on the Center Mount is near completion.


APO110ED-BINO by Mr.Yuri Petrunin, USA

2018,1/14 anodizing completed.



(This is the innovative mount he chose this time.)

It is like eating A5 Wagyu beef: the taste is so delicious, that you do not want to swallow.
So, in short about first experience with binoscope made of two APO110ED F6.5 + EMS system:(EMS-ULS with IPD helicoid)
first – it is quite “delicious” and dangerous: once you see sky with both eye you would not want to go back to cyclopic observing. The danger comes from double cost + for set up.
second – adjusting binoscope (EMS system) to your IPD is like to start riding the bicycle, once you learn – it goes easy after.
third – keep in mind the binoscope is like your comfortable shoes – they fit mostly for you, it could be a bit unfriendly to other people. Usual telescope may serve better for public observing.
I did try a bit of “deep sky”¹ and the moon in early morning. Power: from 100X to 32X.
¹ there is no real deep sky at my backyard, have to get a house with better views.

Yuri Petrunin, USA

Comment by Matsumoto / 管理者のコメント

Yuri ! Congratulations on the completion of the fabulous Binoscope!
I was much impressed by your exquisite expression in your impression observing through the binoscope, too.


Year end Arm- Party at Dan-Dan-Stadium in Yonago-City /アームレスリング忘年会(於;だんだんスタジアム米子)

Arm-wrestling year-end party took place at Dan-Dan-Stadium in Yonago city last night.
I would like firstly extend my sincerest appreciation to the staffs of the event and Mr.Nishikawa,my teacher who kindly drove us to the site and back without drinking himself.
This time, I only got one win. The strong layman left some damage on my right arm, and I could not show my ability
at the following match.
自分の試合の結果は、初戦のみの1勝のみでした。 初戦で当たった素人さんがとても強くて、右腕のダメージが回復しないまま2回戦に入り、納得行くパフォーマンスが発揮出せませんでした。

The second opponent was Mr.Kondo who was once a light-weight champ. of Tottori Pref., and I lost.
But I am happy that he admired me that I showed some progress than one-year ago.




Dear Tatsuro,

My last components arrived this morning for the “Bi-Tak120” from Range in Shanghai so I have just finished assembly of the binoscope.
It is raining here and very cloudy so first light will have to wait a few days.
I will be using it initially on a Skywatcher AZ-EQ6GT mount but will later build a custom fork mount to have a lightweight system.
I will send some more pictures once I get a chance to take the scope outside.
Thank you once again for the fantastic EMS-ULS system, they fitted perfectly into the adapters Range designed and arranged for me.
Good health and best regards,
 Matt Saarikko of Canberra, Australia
Comment by Matsumoto / 管理者のコメント
Congratulation on the great success of your fine Binoscope!
I would like to give you my utmost applaud on your feat.
You have learnt a lot of things about binoscope making beyond the language barriers.
EMS-ULSセット(ヘリコイド目幅仕様)をお送りしただけで、このような立派なBINOを完成されました。お見事です! 追加のリポートも追って、くださるそうなので、楽しみです。^^

BORG-77ED2-BINO modules / 77ED2-BINOのモジュール

At the last minute of the assembly of 77ED2-BINO, preliminarily prepared modules were found not to make a focus, and I had to order “7070” in a hurry.


The first snow / 最初の雪(鳥取市)


We had a first snow in the center of Tottori City.
The photos were taken at 7 A.M. and no snow can be seen now.(4:30 P.M.)

今、午後4時半現在は溶けていますが、非常に寒いです。 いよいよ本格的な冬の到来のようです。