How to extend the back-focus a little longer / バックフォーカス、もうちょっと・・・

You must have stamped your feet in frustration for the scarce lack of the back-focus in focusing on the target,once or more. ” If a few millimeter more back-focus!”
I will show you a wise trick now.

Remove the end adapter and check if the draw-tube will plunge into the focuser to the minus profile. If you are happy to find your draw-tube will plunge a bit into the outer tube as the movie below, you can get some more back-focus by lathing the end adapter.

ほんの数ミリのバックフォーカスの不足で地団駄を踏んだことはありませんか? 長年のマニアであれば、一度や二度はそんな経験があったはずです。^^ 私は奥の手をたくさん知っていますが、今回は、末端アダプターの裏側をほんの少し加工するだけで数ミリバックフォーカスを稼ぐ裏技をご紹介します。



Here is the answer.(above movie)
It’s just “Columbus’ egg”.


Light-weight mount for Highlander binocular / 久しぶりにハイランダー用軽量架台納品

Many years have past since I had developed the light-wight mount for the Highlander Prominar Binocular. The long absence from the progress report is nothing but I had more concern about developing other product once I knew the mount is successful.

The bottom screw is 3/8 inch, and you can also set on the 1/4inch by the adapter.

I originally developed this mount to meet the serious need of my client wishing the light-weight mount instead of his KOWA’s heavy-weight mount. KOWA’s original mount consists of the Mount and the Mount Holder, and I had only to make the light-wight mount and he could use the original mount holder.
So, at the release of this mount, only those who have the trouble of the original heavy mount, and they had no problem in setting their binocular on my light-weight mount because they had the original mount holders.
But after I posted the article of this mount in the internet, those who do not have the original mount had come to wish my light-weight mount. Then, I decided to make the simple mount holder for them.


EMS-UL in black version / EMS-UL 黒仕様

EMS-UL in black for the US. is near completion.
(黒VERSIONのハウジングは常に少量しか確保しません。黒はBINO用セットに限り承ることにします。 あと、塗装済み黒ハウジングの残り在庫はBINO 2セット分です。)

Example of the use of BORG-7315 / BORG直進ヘリコイドSの応用

The top ends of all the EMS series are common as 2″ filter flange as you know.
And it means that you can enjoy every kinds of application examples with many adapters. With some appropriate spacer rings at the barrel of 2″ eyepiece, you can even realize the same focus between the different focused 1-1/4″ and 2″ eye-pieces.


Great success on the customize of the focuser / フォーカサー改造、大成功!

As it is clear by the photo, the left is “Before” and the right is “After”.
Both of the draw-tubes are fully extended. The stroke is not needed as long as 60mm, but I attached importance on the holding length by the outer tube for the best precision and rigidness in the operation.
左が before で、右がafter です。


The drawtubes are fully contracted. The customized one, the right in the photo, will drastically save the back-focus. Note the zero-profiled draw-tube head of the right one.

The larger  the better is the size of the draw-tube, but it, 60mm in diameter, is the maximum size to replace for the original one, by reusing most of the parts of the focuser.


Approximate experiment assuming the F-ratio of “5”, F5 of the objective lens and the light path of the EMS. This experiment is assumed the OTA as 10cm-F5.  You can see that the original situation is rather hard to get the full aperture of 10cm with EMS.


Here is the drastic effect of the customizing of the cheap focuser.

But above all, the utmost merit of this customizing is the enhanced quality of the mechanism as a rack and pinion focuser.  The movement is silky smooth and there is no backlash. It has come to be the level of the FeatherTouch focuser.

もちろん、ご予算が許せば高級な low-profile なフォーカサーに換装すれば良いだけのことですが、比較的小口径(12cm以下)で、資源を有効に活かしたい方には良い選択肢ではないでしょうか。(15cmF5-BINOとなると、やはりもっと大きなフォーカサーが欲しい。)

L bracket for the Nexstar 8SE Mount / Nexstar 8SE 用のL ブラケット

L-bracket for the Nexstar 8SE-Mount for the 90FL-BINO that was posted here before. The groove to fit the parts on each other is the secret that enables the simple joint to be enough rigid.

Contrary to the negative estimation, this bracket is strong enough to hold the
90FL-BINO on the Nexstar 8SE-Mount.

The horizontal plate, Arca-Swiss plate is both side of the dovetail, and it allows
flexible usages with the common parts of the light-weight center mount.

Lunt35-BINO on Nexstar 8SE Mount

example 1 (Nexstar SE Mount)






