Dear Tatsuro,

My last components arrived this morning for the “Bi-Tak120” from Range in Shanghai so I have just finished assembly of the binoscope.
It is raining here and very cloudy so first light will have to wait a few days.
I will be using it initially on a Skywatcher AZ-EQ6GT mount but will later build a custom fork mount to have a lightweight system.
I will send some more pictures once I get a chance to take the scope outside.
Thank you once again for the fantastic EMS-ULS system, they fitted perfectly into the adapters Range designed and arranged for me.
Good health and best regards,
 Matt Saarikko of Canberra, Australia
Comment by Matsumoto / 管理者のコメント
Congratulation on the great success of your fine Binoscope!
I would like to give you my utmost applaud on your feat.
You have learnt a lot of things about binoscope making beyond the language barriers.
EMS-ULSセット(ヘリコイド目幅仕様)をお送りしただけで、このような立派なBINOを完成されました。お見事です! 追加のリポートも追って、くださるそうなので、楽しみです。^^

BORG-77ED2-BINO modules / 77ED2-BINOのモジュール

At the last minute of the assembly of 77ED2-BINO, preliminarily prepared modules were found not to make a focus, and I had to order “7070” in a hurry.


The first snow / 最初の雪(鳥取市)


We had a first snow in the center of Tottori City.
The photos were taken at 7 A.M. and no snow can be seen now.(4:30 P.M.)

今、午後4時半現在は溶けていますが、非常に寒いです。 いよいよ本格的な冬の到来のようです。

EMS-UL set in the making-2 / 製作中のEMS-ULと、XYノブ中心ネジ

X-Y screw consists of two parts, the one is the knob and the other is this center screw.


EMS-UL in black in the maiking / 黒仕様EMS-ULセット 2台分

One is for 77ED2-BINO, and the other set is for the unit delivery.

1セットはこれから組み立てる77ED2-BINO用で、もう1セットはEMSのみの供給用(for US.)です。これで、黒ハウジングの在庫が払底していましました。