正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
It is none of unusual scene here but a bit earlier than the average year.
Warmer winter and earlier snow, seemingly two paradoxical weather phenomena are occurring in these years.
Shifting from the traditional stereotype of the heavy and rigid structure, this super simple and light-weight system has been accomplished.
EMS-ULS for TEC140-BINO is in the making.
EMS-UXL is more desirable for this purpose, but EMS-ULS is also enough to realize 140-BINO. You can choose either of them according to your budget. Here is the example.
(This is the innovative mount he chose this time.)
It is like eating A5 Wagyu beef: the taste is so delicious, that you do not want to swallow.
So, in short about first experience with binoscope made of two APO110ED F6.5 + EMS system:(EMS-ULS with IPD helicoid)
first – it is quite “delicious” and dangerous: once you see sky with both eye you would not want to go back to cyclopic observing. The danger comes from double cost + for set up.
second – adjusting binoscope (EMS system) to your IPD is like to start riding the bicycle, once you learn – it goes easy after.
third – keep in mind the binoscope is like your comfortable shoes – they fit mostly for you, it could be a bit unfriendly to other people. Usual telescope may serve better for public observing.
I did try a bit of “deep sky”¹ and the moon in early morning. Power: from 100X to 32X.
¹ there is no real deep sky at my backyard, have to get a house with better views.
Yuri ! Congratulations on the completion of the fabulous Binoscope!
I was much impressed by your exquisite expression in your impression observing through the binoscope, too.
Arm-wrestling year-end party took place at Dan-Dan-Stadium in Yonago city last night.
I would like firstly extend my sincerest appreciation to the staffs of the event and Mr.Nishikawa,my teacher who kindly drove us to the site and back without drinking himself.
This time, I only got one win. The strong layman left some damage on my right arm, and I could not show my ability
at the following match.
自分の試合の結果は、初戦のみの1勝のみでした。 初戦で当たった素人さんがとても強くて、右腕のダメージが回復しないまま2回戦に入り、納得行くパフォーマンスが発揮出せませんでした。
The second opponent was Mr.Kondo who was once a light-weight champ. of Tottori Pref., and I lost.
But I am happy that he admired me that I showed some progress than one-year ago.