The first thrilling experience of H-alpha-Solar observation!
12cm aperture stop—- 20cm-f=1400mm objective ——R2 filter —- UV/IR cut filter —-EMS-UXL —–POWERMATE-4X— COMBO-QUARK-chromo——–LAVENDURA40mm (140X)
After a while of twist and turns, the above arrangement is proved to be right for the best image.
EMS-UL for US completed
EMS-UL for the single use is ready to be shipped to the US.
I regret my EMS became famous as a component of the binocular telescope, before totally taking place of the traditional diagonal mirror/prism.
Of course, that’s far better than nothing, but I do regret so many senior manias still stick to the traditional diagonal mirrors with the stubborn belief of its superiority.
EMS-UXL SET for Germany completed
I wonder when the sky clears up?
Improvement of the solar finder (Rainy day’s preparation)
As a rainy day’s preparation, I made an extension tube to shift the head-hole- piece a bit ahead.
Housings of the EMS-UXL
The principle of the EMS is so simple and I have posted so much technical information that it might be easy to copy my EMS. But I wish telescope industry would have better understandings of the EMS and contribute to the maturity of the telescopes to easier accept the EMS for the moment.
I do not welcome anyone to just steal my idea and share of the EMS and I have never allowed anyone to procuce it.
I beleive those who know the shame would never copy my EMS in the market without my permission.
Practicing to observe H-alpha-Sun / Hα太陽、テスト観測
Preliminary observation by one-eye to know the best assembly for the Binoscope observation.
I had a good glance of the prominence and chromosphere peeking through the clouds. I tried in vain to make a movie hindered by the clouds.
A simple idea of the solar finder
Encoder is set on the horizontal unit (TTS160 MOUNT for the 20cm-BINO
It enables the TTS160 Mount to be operated PushTo with the use of the AAS-2 (Altutude sensor).
Orion by iPhone-6
Anxious about my mother with the bladder cancer woke me up before 3 o’clock of this morning.
I opened the window of my bed-room to find the Orion above the City Hall building.(by iPhone,1/3 s exposure)