Star Party for the general public / 一般向け観望会

Which is easier to please the non-mania general public or the experienced star gazers?

Either can be the answer in every points of view, but I can say the latter is far more rewarding for the long time preparations in advance of the star party,as they are easier to share the same feeling of being moved in watching the various objects in the sky.
General public is so impatient to wait for another object in the telescope, too. And I must admit that I would often get tired at the end of the Party.

Anyway, I am coming to feel it unrealistic for me to continue to assist the public star party with the half-day preparation of the full system of 20cm-BINO loading into the car and the same effort of restoring it after coming home.


Successful encoder setting on the Porta Mount / ポルタⅡ経緯台にエンコーダをセットに

You might ask “Where is the vertical encoder?”
But, it is unnecessary. Instead of the vertical encoder, the AAS-2, altitude sensor that  I and my co-developer had developed, will not only substitute for the vertical encoder, but also acts as WIFI module that will send the coordinates of the target to SkySafari Appli.


Armwrestling tournament held at Johoku high-school festival / 城北高校祭りのアーム大会に出ました。

I took part in the Arm-wrestling tournament held at Johoku highschool festival at Bird-Hat, open square in front of Tottori Station. Johoku-Highscool is worldly famous for Sumo-wrestling and has sent many famous Sumo wrestlers such as Ichinojo, Takanoiwa, Ishiura and others.


Do you know him?  He is Mun, the nephew of Hakuho, the famous Grand Champion of Professional Sumo.(This photo was taken after the match. I scarcely lost him at the second match.)
上は試合後に記念に撮った写真ですが、相手の顔に見覚えはありませんか? そっくりでしょう?
そうです。 彼が相撲留学で鳥取の城北高校(現在2年生)に来ている、横綱白鳳の甥っ子さんです。なかなかの好青年でした。


相手は大方相撲部員。若造とは言え、皆体重100kg~200kg超の巨漢でした。 やはりただのデブではなく、みんな力持ち。ひさしぶりに大いに楽しみました。^^

Achrobatic idea for an horizontal encoder to set onto VIXEN’s Mount, Porta-2! / ポルタ2にエンコーダをセットする方法
