South eastern horizen, this morning / 今朝の南東の地平線(寝室からiPhoneで)
Age 12.3 Moon by the 20cmF7-BINO / 月齢12.3の月 (20cm-BINO)
20時15分頃。PL10mm →wifiカメラ、コリメート; 薄雲が流れていました。
21時20分頃。PL10mmの前に(改造)1.8Xバロー挿入。 撮影環境とまだwifiカメラを完全に使いこなしてないため、眼視の見え方には程遠いです。
Chugoku Mountains from my bed room / 寝室から見えた中国山地
I awoke to find very clear view of south-eastern horizen this morning.It is quite rare that I can see Chugoku Mountains tens of miles away in such cloudy sky.
So I took a picture of it by my iPhone (7:04AM).
The center is the bell tower of the Lutheran Church whose kindergarten I used to go.
Horizontal unit for the TTS160-Mount in the making
Assembly procedure of the 20cmF7-BINO
Winter triangle by iPhone / 寝室から見た冬の大三角
H-alpha Solar through the thin clouds(20cm-BINO)
Far behind the real image by both eyes, a large prominense can be seen near the north pole when the clouds are less. It is impossible for the cheap WIFI-CAMERA to express the real image of the both eye viewing.
H-alpha-Solar observation by the 20cmBINO / Hα太陽、20cm-BINO
The first thrilling experience of H-alpha-Solar observation!
12cm aperture stop—- 20cm-f=1400mm objective ——R2 filter —- UV/IR cut filter —-EMS-UXL —–POWERMATE-4X— COMBO-QUARK-chromo——–LAVENDURA40mm (140X)
After a while of twist and turns, the above arrangement is proved to be right for the best image.
EMS-UL for US completed
EMS-UL for the single use is ready to be shipped to the US.
I regret my EMS became famous as a component of the binocular telescope, before totally taking place of the traditional diagonal mirror/prism.
Of course, that’s far better than nothing, but I do regret so many senior manias still stick to the traditional diagonal mirrors with the stubborn belief of its superiority.