Now that this adapter is completed, the Extra-Large-EMS will be completed in a couple of days.
Thank the client very much for being patient in waiting.
An emergency case from abroad (EMS-UXL) 海外からの急患^^;
Through the window of the hospital room of my mother.
I found some wind turbines on distant mountain ridge through the window of the hospital room of my mother, two days ago.
Two pairs of the EMS-UL(with Helicoid) SET for a single client
Reform of the fixed type EMS-UL into the IPD-Helicoid type / 固定タイプのEMS-ULをヘリコイド式にリフォーム
EMS-ULS SET for BORG-125ED-BINO in the making
Before and After of the Mirror Edging (Extra-Large-EMS)
I had to trim the edge more than I had expected.
Anodizing is completed (Extra-Large-EMS)
Another EMS-UXL SET for Switzerland completed!
AZ-GTi Mount with SkySafari-6-Pro/MAK127
The first alignment of the AZ-GTi System.
Another amazing feature of this Mount is the supporting encoder that enables the PushTo operation.
まとめますと、この架台(AZ-GTi Mount)は、ユーザーのレベルに応じて、以下の3通りの使い方が可能だということです。