Tap hole drillings of the EMS housing by CNC machine / EMSハウジングの端面タップ下穴加工

I had made all the jigs along with the program.

Morning sky of the day of vigil (my mother) / 母の通夜の朝 / 会葬御礼


By the log-in trouble of WordPress,I had to wait for three days to upload it.
Contrary to the weather forecast, we could escape rains through the vigil (9/28) and the funeral(9/29).

Let me extend my sincerest appreciation for attending the vigil(9/28) or the funeral(9/29) of my mother, or giving me
the warm words of condolence.
There was a telegram of condolence form a long-broken-off-friend and I allowed the announcement of it.


9/28,29の通夜、葬儀にご参列くださった方々、及びお悔やみのお言葉を頂戴した方々に対し、深く感謝の意を表したいと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。


Mother passed away (母が逝きました。)

Mother had passed away in the early evening of September 21.
I remember the poem that I knew from my dying sister 18 years ago.

When we have done all the work we were sent to earth to do,
we are allowed to shed our body-which imprisons our soul like a cocoon encloses the future butterfly-
and when the time is right we can let go of it and we will be free of pain,
free of fears and worries-free as a very beautiful butterfly,
returning home to God which is a place where we are never alone-where we continue to grow and to sing and dance,
where we are with those who loved (who shed their cocoons earlier) and where we are surrounded with more Love than you can ever imagine!


My mother suffering from bladder cancer / 母が入院


Face-Scale / 痛みスケール

I found this Face-Scale this morning, on the wall of bed-head of my mother in the hospital.
I had a phone call from the nurse yesterday that they were putting the Durotep Patch(Drug Patch) on her to ease pains.
At the last stage of the terminal cancer, my mother can take no more foods nor drinks for a few days.
Her eyes are almost always closed and there is almost no way to communicate with her. Her face only shows sometimes the pain of the 4-stage of the Face-scale.

Since July 6th,when she was firstly taken to the hospital, I deserve Full-time award by visiting my mother in the hospital twice a day, morning and evening.
Still so,I cannot help regretting that if I have done for her as much as possible. She is dying very soon.


EMS-US SET for Switzerland completed!

EMS-US SET for the “D” of 150mm. I usually recommend larger EMS tor this scale of the D, but the need of the client was limited only in 31.7mm-size  eye-pieces. I still recommend EMS-UL, but the client has the right to choose. His attitude is better than that of “Best or Nothing.
このくらいの“D”ですと、31.7アイピース限定でもEMS-ULをお勧めしますが、Fの長い鏡筒であれば、この判断もあり、ということです。”Best or Nothing” になるよりも賢いご判断ではあります。(それと、防塵フィルターは、やはり安全のために装着された方が良いですよ。)