正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
The largest mirrors are installed in the same housing set up with the normal EMS-UM. This is the New EMS-UML.
This footage is the perfect teacher of the EMS-PRINCIPLE. You can know the perfect connection angle by seeing the normal entrance circle, which is just like watching through the opened-book shaped mirror pair.
I had made the special EMS-UL with the same light path of EMS-UM 10-years ago for the request of the repeater. Now, I am making another one after about 10-years. Squeezing the larger mirrors in the housing set up of EMS-UM requires the ultra-edging of the mirror which is rather painstaking task, but the effect is great.
The photo above explains the shape of the EMS-UML of 10-years ago. I am making further effort to make the most of the mirror size utilizing the 10-year’s experience.
This jig-tool is not for the users, but for me, the maker. It is just like most of the EMS users can dispense with the right-angle surface gauge. But, this movie will be a good hint to understand the theory of the Center Mount. これは製作者用のツールで、左右のアリミゾ爪の平行度をチェックする物です。 ユーザーさんには普通、御用はない物ですが、いざという時のために、こうした方法があるということをインプットしておいていただいてご損はないでしょう。 遊んでいるアリガタが2本とデジタル傾斜計があれば平行度はチェックできますがね。
Hollow space in the center of the horizontal axis might be easier to realize this idea, but this time I hit on the idea of the principle of the pantograph which won’t require the hollow space in the center of the horizontal axis.
Note the extremely short flange instead for the normal 2-inch barrel to connect the telescope. That’s one of the reason that I am reluctant to deliver it to those I don’t know. 通常の2インチバレル(30mm長)でなく、極短いテーパフランジ(6mm)で望遠鏡(アダプター)側に接続します。当然、ミラーエッジは際どく突出しているわけで、とてもこのEMSを知らない方に託すことは出来ません。(当ケースでは、EMS単体をお送りできない理由の一つです。) なぜここまでしなければならないか、ですが、再三ご説明しているように、SWAROVSKI(他社も同じ)等のフィールドスコープの対物ユニットは、自社の交換部品にマッチした最小限のバックフォーカスしか備えていないからです。 通常のEMS-UM/USでは、到底バックフォーカスが足りません。光路長を稼ぐために、あらゆる工夫を凝らしているわけです。そうした事情を共有できない方には販売しない方が良い、という判断です。(熱意があれば別ですが、熱意を示した方はいません。^^;)
I will not usually cater to those who wish only the adapter or the customized EMS. This is for the order from the repeater who understands the know-how of setting it to the objective unit of the Swarovski’s field scope.
This “ORIGAMI” was the reward of the petit Star Party I held for the kindergarten boy and his mother on August 5th. He and his mother enjoyed thrilling time with Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon. He had amazing knowledge of astronomy as quoting the mechanism of Supernova explosion. And he brought this Origami to me as a token of his gratitude the next morning.