Televue-76-BINO and Clave 80(F15)-BINO by Mr. Frank Rosengoltz in France

Good evening Matsumoto-San.
In August 2020, I bought a set of EMS-US from AOK in Switzerland.
I think this is probably this set which I could see on your website.

They arrived in France, final destination, in October.
I just wanted to share with you some pictures of the 2 binoscopes I am using the EMS on.
First one is made of 2 Televue 76 (2 first pictures). The binoscope is mounted on a Desert Sky Astro altaz mount with encoders and Nexus DSC.
The binoscope works great and your products are fantastic. Easy to use, premium quality and the sharpness and brightness of the image are just incredible. It is perfect for wide fields.
The second instrument is a Clave 80mm F/15 binoscope. I had a little issue with the backfocus initially, but I was able to fix it. This instrument is of course more demanding based on the long focal length but it works great on double stars and lunar observing. Again, the EMS is a perfect fit.
I wanted to thank you for the quality of the products you make that are so enjoyable to use.
Best regards.

Dear Frank,
Congratulations on completion of your fine Binoscopes!
Firstly, let me admire you on your feat overcoming the language barriers.

Comment by Matsumoto/ 管理者のコメント;

EMS-UL SET for Switzerland completed !


EMS-UL SET for Switzerland near completion

I wish all the clients who are waiting keep in touch with this corner.

Great success on the preliminary assembly / TELEVUE-85-BINO


 この方法は、小口径単焦点BINOに適した方法です。(この鏡筒はやや長いですが) 鏡筒を”長い物”という概念で、従来通り横で固定しようとすると、平行を出すためにいろいろな配慮が必要になります。
 短い鏡筒パイプを基準平面上に2本立てたと想像してください。自動的に(必要レベルの)平行が出てますから。(むしろ、平行でないようにする方が難しい。😅) 重い鏡筒バンドを前後2本(合計4本)セットし、下にそれぞれアリガタをセットし、さらには微調整機構やスライド台座等を積み上げて行くのが従来的なスタンスでした。
 今になってみると、いかに非合理な回り道をして来たか、ということがよく分かります。😂 いわば(従来は)常に足し算の発想しかなく、引き算を獲得することで正解に至りました。

Flanges for the glasses-plate completed (Televue85-BINO)


EMS-UMLP SET for TELEVUE-85-BINO completed !

 ゼロ・プロファイル(縮退長ゼロ)の目幅機構は、EMS開発当初からの懸案でしたが、この度やっと実現しました。 ユニット間接続フランジが機構を代表しており、目幅調整に関連する加算重量もほぼゼロです。


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If you wait for my reply more than 24-hours, it is very likely that your server has rejected my e-mail to reach you
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