WSP2018 with 140APO-BINO by Mr.Yuri Petrunin

Dear Tatsuro,
The WSP at Chiefland (instead of usual, but destroyed by hurricane Key West place) was quite short by timing due to weather conditions.
In 3 night we had only two to observe and in those two – only before 10PM (so, total appr. 5 hours of whole trip), after that, the fog was coming and staying until next morning.
And this fog did not give us any planets )-:
But it was enough for testing the 140Bino, it works great on deep sky and on it it was appr. equal to APO200ED that was near by, but the 140 bino had wider field.
Adjusting optical axis for me was not difficult and flawless, but not as easy for other people, since it takes time to set up for each personl, but when set up was done the impression was like” “wau, now I see what these binoculars about!”.
Regards, Yuri
Attached please find a few pics:
I am using Mitutoyo 100mm block for checking the bino after long trip on the road (~3000km), same block is used as a “gage” for setup of my IPD.
Best regards, Yuri

Comment by Matsumoto / 管理者のコメント

Mr.Yuri Petrunin sent me the hot report of WSP2018 with the TEC140-BINO on TTS-160.
I would like to extend my biggest applaud on his feat of his new binoscope.  Thank you very much for the follow-up report with the fabulous photos, and I will be looking forward to seeing your following reports.
