Dear Tatsuro,
After several modifications my binoscope now seems to be (almost) complete. Here is a short summary of the main features:
160 mm f/6.5 apochromatic, oil spaced triplet lenses
EMS-UXL-Premium light erecting systems
telescope built with lightweight carbon components, total weight 11.8 kg (whole telescope)
stiff single arm centre mount
stiff lightweight carbon tripod
The total weight of the instrument of ~ 16.2 kg (telescope, mount and tripod) allows easy use and transportation to a dark site. For me it is the final telescope. Some more detailed information can be found here:
Thanks a lot for all your support, the EMS units were a fundamental ingredient for building it.
Best regards
Comment by Matsumoto;
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for your mail. I am very happy to hear from you after a long time. Congratulations on your splendid binoscope finished. Actually speaking, I had noticed your binoscope in the Internet. I would love to put your News on my web page, Thank you!
>For me it is the telescope I was dreaming of for many years. You may be surprised, it is the only telescope I own. It shows me all I like to see
in the most beautiful way, open star clusters, the milky way, galaxies
with spiral structure (M31, M51, M33..) the moon and planets. Thanks a
lot for helping me to realize such nice project.
I am extremely happy to hear that. And I am amazed by your planning sense and craftsmanship. You did a splendid job!!
best regards
見事なBINOです。EMS-UXLのみを求められて、後は架台を含めて全て自作(外注含む)された物ですが、言語の壁を乗り越えてEMS製作者の意図を十分に汲み取り、機能的にも美観的にも卓越したBINOを実現されました。 Thomasさんの技量と美的センスに最大限の拍手を送りたいと思います。