The sale price of EMS-UXL was changed from 200,000 yen to 220,000yen in July.
Innovation of Astronomical Telescope
正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
Dear Mr. F in Italy,
I think all of your orders are completed.
Please check the items in the photo closely ASAP.
If anything missing, please let me know ASAP.
There are two ways of the connection of the Center Mount.
One is the 3/8-inch thread on the bottom, and the other is the 60mm (10mm deapth) tapered boss. For the extension pillar of 250mm, the 60mm-boss should be used.
I finally had the time to assemble everything and I wanted to share some pictures with you: Rakan
Comment by Matsumoto/ 管理者のコメント;
Congratulations on the pair of fine Binoscopes completed ,and thank you very much for sharing it with me and the fan of Binoscopes all over the world.
We are also looking forward to reading your follow-up report after using them on the stars.
Thank you again for the fantastic photos!
I am very sorry that my medals are limited in the local events and won no official match medals. Even so, I cannot dispose the silver medal of the local event of Gaina-Matsuri and the Bronze Medal at the San-in Arm-wrestling tournament held in Tottori City just two weeks before my mother’s death.