Foot bases for the TTS160-MOUNT

TTS160マウントは非常にシンプルかつ優れた構造になっていて、無駄な機能は極力省かれているように見受けます。その”Simple is Best.”の精神に共感して、私もユーザーになりました。

Winter constellations out of the window / 窓の外の冬の星座

I awoke to find the winter constellations out of the window, and took a shot by my iPhone with the “Night Camera Appli”.(0:42 AM)
深夜(0:42 AM)に目が冷めて窓を開けたら、冬の星座が勢揃いしていたので、iPhoneのNight Cameraで撮りました。(手持ち)

PushTo OPTION on the TTS160-MOUNT(Operation check) 手動optionの動作確認(TTS160マウント)

本来なら、Goto架台にはPushToの機能も包含させておくべきと思いますが、どうでしょう? 最近リリースされた普及タイプの小型Goto架台さえ、クランプを解除して動かしてもちゃんと内蔵エンコーダで導入支援が破綻しないように出来ているそうです。まして高価な架台であれば、当然の親切かと思うんですがね。

First light at the suburban star watching site with the 20cm-BINO / 暗い空での、実質上のファーストライト(20cm-BINO)

I brought my 20cm-BINO firstly to the suburban site,the parking lot of “Man-yo-History Museum”,20-minutes’ drive,
that diserves deep-sky veiwing last night.

It goes without saying that I and my guest marveled at the Double cluster,Pleiades,M27,M57.M37, and others, but at the same time, I committed some regretful mistake in the cables set up, and also I regret I did not bring the Pushto device on the TTS-160 Mount.
It was so dark that I did not notice the cable stuck between the weight plate and the pillar.
That seriously affected the Goto operations for some times. That was the reflection point. I should be more familiarized with the full system to smoothly operate it in the darkness.



2.(1)に起因しますが、コントローラーのケーブルがTTS160マウントのウェイトプレートとピラーの間に挟まって噛み付いてしまうという、痛恨のミス。 それが観望の最後頃に判明。 道理で、今日はやけにSkySafariの挙動がおかしかった。^^;

3. 見学者の方が時々星座を横切る航空機を強く見たがったのに、Gotoモードのためクランプ解除ができず、見せてあげられなかったこと。

現場に着いた時、いつも見ている中心市街地の空との違いに興奮し、暗がりの中で焦りながらのセッティング、しかも夜露が降りるということで、初めて対物フードにセットした露よけヒーターのケーブルまでも加わって、架台の周りはケーブル地獄。^^; 反省しきりです。


EMS-US SET for the US completed / アメリカ向け完成

EMS-US SET for the US is completed.
While larger EMS SET include protective 48mm filters, EMS-US has none. I recommend you to buy and set the optional protective filters for sure.

一番安価なセットのEMS-USも応用範囲は十分に広いです。Best or Nothing,ではなく、予算プランに応じてご選択いただけば良いと思っています。

TSA102-BINO (reform from TSA120-BINO) by Mr.Matt S. Canberra, Australia

Hello dear Tatsuro,

I hope you are well and safe from the storms that I have been watching on the news.
I recently decided to down-size my binoscope a little bit.  I replaced the two Takahashi TSA120 tubes with a pair of TSA102S to make for a lighter and more portable system as I also have an 18” scope I just completed.
I have not yet had a chance to try out the smaller binoscope but I expect it will also be successful.  The EMS-ULS and adapters are a direct fit and there is enough back focus for it to work as well as the original setup.  Range made a new cradle for me, I am using the same ‘D’ of 170mm so there is no need to adjust anything.
I took a couple of pictures today of the new setup.  Here is also a picture of my new 18” scope, it took me about 5 months build it.
the 18” is in a welded aluminium structure with carbon fibre poles and kevlar/carbon baffle. It is an F3.5 so I can stay seated even when looking at zenith.
I find the binoscope is a great complement to the big scope.
Stay safe,
Comment by Matsumoto;

Dear Matt,
Thank you very much for your thrilling report.
Congratulations on the successful reform of your TSA120-BINO into 102S-BINO and finishing the splendid 18”scope.
I am looking forward to have your further report after watching the targets of seasons.

Thank you for allowing me to post your report to my website.

Best regards,
