正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
I’d like to share a true story with you that has been handed down from my grandpa to my father and then to me. It’s a story of a man who was a very good customer of my grandfather’s. At that time my grandfather dealt in watches, jewelry and phonographs and whenever a new recording was released the man would be the first to order it.
The customer was a very considerate and refined middle aged gentleman living alone. He had a profound knowledge of music and he usually called the shop for delivery just before noon. All of the staff used to scramble for this delivery because he would always invite the staff member into his house to listen to the new recording and then realizing the time, would ask the lucky employee to lunch.
He always had everything delivered. All the neighborhood shops were happy to come to his home and were always treated the same way. However, no one really knew what he did for a living.
One day the kimono shop owner asked him. “Do you mind telling me what it is you do for living?” He went to the closet and took out a wad of ten-yen bills, which today would be the equivalent to ten thousand yen bills. He then said, “Watch.” And lit the note. Before the note burned completely he put it out and gave the remaining half to the kimono shop dealer. “This note is so perfectly made no one has ever detected it to be counterfeit. “He then instructed the dealer to take the half a note to the bank to exchange it for a new one.
The shop owner rushed to the bank and was amazed when the bank, asking no questions exchanged the damaged bill for a new, genuine one. He immediately went back to the man and asked how he had done it. He answered, “A man called Woo Pinn made the counterfeit bills in Korea. If you send him 100 yen he will send you back 200 counterfeit yen. This is how I have such a luxurious life style without working.” The next day, the kimono shop owner handed him 100 yen.
But after a few months when the money still hadn’t arrived, the shop owner pressed the man for the money. He replied, “The Genkai Channel is too rough to sail at this time. Please be patient a little while longer.” Finally the kimono shop owner could no longer pretend to himself, he had to admit that he had been swindled out of 100 yen! He knew he couldn’t go to the police because he, himself had been involved in the crime.
The man was eventually arrested for swindling and he went to prison for a long time. However this was not the end of the story.
By the time he got out of the prison he was an old man. Soon after his release he became blind. The man seemed to have given up his life of crime and he sometimes had a visitor. One day he said to his visitor, “I have done a lot of wicked things in my life and have cheated many people, but from now on I am going to spend the rest of my life peacefully.” He groped around in his closet and came out holding several gold bars. He then said, “These are the last of my ill gotten gains and since I have no way to make a living, I will have to part with them. Would you buy them for whatever price you think they’re worth?”
The visitor was extremely pleased with himself until which time he found that they weren’t pure gold bars but gold plated lead bars. Of course the man was arrested but the police found that he had committed no crime. When the police questioned him the man replied, “I never said it was gold, just that it was all I had left from my previous life of crime.”
I would like to share with you an unforgettable experience in my work.
It was seven or eight years ago when I received a phone call from the first customer asking “Do you have an “EMS-L” in stock? I would like to buy it at your shop and take it home.” And he asked in the end, “Is your shop on the ground floor? And can I get into your shop in the wheel chair?”
I simply thought at that time he had a wound on his leg or something.
A few days later, a car stopped in front of my shop. I immediately thought it must be he, and went up to the side of the car to find I was right. Alas!! he drove all the way from Kobe in the specialized car with his hands only!
Then I guided his car to my parking space, and I will see what I am really amazed by. The guy stopped his car at the right place and then fully reclined his back rest by 180 degrees and leaned back to seize a folded wheel chair on the rear seat and lifted it to put on the ground just by the opened car door and quickly unfolded the wheel chair just like an umbrella. Then he bundled his legs by a towel and he took his legs just as if they were a luggage and into the wheel chair, and he finally got into the wheel chair all by himself.
What I did was only to take his FS102 Telescope in the case and accompanied him in the wheel chair to my shop.
In my shop, he set up the telescope on the tripod at the lower position with my assistance, and he attached the EMS-L to his telescope and watched the upright and vivid image of the nearby landscape for a while, and saying ” It is nice!!.”, he finally decided to buy it.
Having a pleasant conversations after that, and I can never forget his last word he murmured with a sigh ,”I was right to come!”
It was just after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and I thought he was the victim of it, but he wasn’t. He told me he had a car accident before the catastrophe and he was on the hard rehabilitation in the hospital when he met the earthquake. He was paralyzed from the chest down and I knew he had gone through unimaginable despair and painful rehabilitations.
Since then I take this story to my heart to keep up my motivation ever to proceed.