Local Arm-wrestling party / 地元でのアーム大会

The first Arm-Party organized by our Dojo was held last night at a bar in Tottori City.
I got one-Win and two-loss, but it is my memmorative first setp to the carrier of Armwrestling.

Anyway, I had blissful time last night over a cup of beer with my Arm-Friends.

応援を含めて、40名は会場に集まったか? 盛大な会になりました。
写真は、いつもの練習仲間との記念撮影。 もちろんフレーム外にも、世話になっている仲間はたくさん
います。 皆さん、本当にありがとう。 少年期よりストイックに孤独に目標に突っ走って来て、子育ても
一段落して気付くと、この年令になっていました。 今、置き去りにしてしまった物を取り戻しています。
そうそう、肝腎のアーム大会の成績は?、1勝2負。^^; 本戦初戦で1勝を挙げたのは、記念すべきこと。2戦目は
体重120kgはありそうな巨漢で、瞬殺ではなかったもののあえなく敗退。 敗者復活戦では、後ちょっと
まで相手を追い込んで勝ったと思って安心したところで戻されて逆転負け。 まあ、手応えがあった大会でした。

My mother suffering from bladder cancer / 母が入院

My 91-year-old mother will be hospitalized to undergo surgery for bladder cancer tomorrow.
She had launched the optical shop with my father from scratch with great difficulties.
The photo introducing below is one of her boast that was taken in memory of her reading aloud at the local Radio Station,NHK when she was in Junior-High.





2018,1/22追記: お陰様で母の手術は成功し、追記日現在に至るまで再発を見ず、元気にしております。

130F7-APO-BINO (self assembly by EMS-ULS) / 自作

Dear Mr. Matsumoto,
For you info this was finished recently. I personally checked it out and it is fabulous.
It is saddled on a behemoth fluid head: Vinten Vision 30.
The objectives are also made by United Optics, tubes and clamps same as the recent 140ed binoscopes. 3.0 inch focuser by FT.
Pics atttached.
Comment by Matsumoto:
Congratulatinos on finishing another fine binoscope, and thank you for your timely posting!
Very simple frame-work, but sticking to the basics that promises the rigid and reliable structure.

business partner / ビジネス・パートナー

Through 30-years’ experience of the delivery of my EMS, I have come across a lot of dealers or makers of telescopes.
Most of them are officially polite, but it will take decades for their real intentions to be revealed.
On the whole, they are apt to have more interest and ardor in the business results than in the dissemination and enlightenment with the EMS as the advent of the innovative erecting systems.



Armwrestling; Slow but steady will win in the end. / ゆっくり でも着実に!

If you firstly take up the Armwrestling practice at some Armwrestling club, your self-confidence with some heroic story among laymen would be shattered at once. Just so was my experience.
I was always an Arm champion or at least the second at schools, and once was a champion at the bar impromptu match. When I was stayng at my friend in the US 32-years ago, six local men challenged me on the Armwrestling and I defeated all of them. But I found such heroic stories among laymen meant nothing in the world of experienced Armwrestlers. Confident laymen should try your real skill and power at some Armwestling-Dojo,and you will surely find youself to be the weakest in the Dojo. That’s the reality of “Armwrestling”. Yes, it is so tough to become an Armwerster, but the thrill of Armwrestling lies in all the more of its toughness. I had joined the Armwrestling-Dojo last summer, and feel to be slow to improve myself, but I believe, “Slow but steady will win in the end.
 ネットから事前にかなりの情報を仕入れていたとは言え、アームの世界は本当に凄い。 それなりの自信がある者が始める競技なわけですが、入門してみると、素人時代の武勇伝など、何らの意味も持たないことを思い知らされます。
 昨日は久しぶりに師匠に褒められ、気を良くしていますが、まだまだ道場では最弱の方なので、スタートラインに立ったばかりです。 ただ、アームレスリングはのめり込む価値のある、実に魅力的な競技だということを再確認し、凝り性の自分は、またこれをライフワークにして行くだろうと思っています。^^
 ご参考のために、2本の動画をご紹介したいと思います。 素人が経験者には敵わない、というのはどの世界にもあることですが、アームレスリングほど顕著なものはそうないのではないかと思います。 2本の動画は、誇張でもヤラセでもなく、これが現実なのです。^^;