正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
Good evening Matsumoto-San. In August 2020, I bought a set of EMS-US from AOK in Switzerland. I think this is probably this set which I could see on your website.
They arrived in France, final destination, in October. I just wanted to share with you some pictures of the 2 binoscopes I am using the EMS on. First one is made of 2 Televue 76 (2 first pictures). The binoscope is mounted on a Desert Sky Astro altaz mount with encoders and Nexus DSC. The binoscope works great and your products are fantastic. Easy to use, premium quality and the sharpness and brightness of the image are just incredible. It is perfect for wide fields. The second instrument is a Clave 80mm F/15 binoscope. I had a little issue with the backfocus initially, but I was able to fix it. This instrument is of course more demanding based on the long focal length but it works great on double stars and lunar observing. Again, the EMS is a perfect fit. I wanted to thank you for the quality of the products you make that are so enjoyable to use. Best regards. Franck
Dear Frank, Congratulations on completion of your fine Binoscopes! Firstly, let me admire you on your feat overcoming the language barriers.
Comment by Matsumoto/ 管理者のコメント; 1組のEMS-USセットを長短、二種類の突出した鏡筒セットで共用されています。言語や地の利の壁がありながら、諸問題をクリヤーしての快挙に敬意を表します。
今天是2020年11月1日又是周末,西安的天气格外好,于是决定到户外试试镜。高桥天九组双格外小巧紧凑,被粉丝一直列为颜值第一DIY双,正好赶上镜友的目镜到了,趁好天气,一起拉出来溜溜。 Today is November 1, 2020 and it is the weekend. The weather in Xi’an is exceptionally good, so I decided to try the mirror outdoors. The SKY90 pair of Takahashi is extraordinarily small and compact, and has been listed as the best DIY pair by fans, just in time to catch up with the eyepieces of the mirror friends. Taking advantage of the good weather, they pulled out together for a stroll.
说干就干,如图所示,总共三个包。天九双本体长不足50CM,因此有很多包包可选,我这个包稍大,但是有空间塞泡沫加以保护。捷信和云顿V100可以放在一个包里,剩下零七八碎如目镜、小双等可以放在一个包里,这样总共三个包,可以实现一个人可以轻松下楼。 Just do it, as shown, there are three packages in total. The length of the SKY90 double body is less than 50cm, so there are many bags to choose from. My bag is slightly larger, but there is space for foam protection. Gitzo and Winton V100 can be put in one bag, and the remaining pieces, such as eyepieces, small pairs, etc., can be put in one bag, so that a total of three bags can realize that one person can easily go downstairs.
到达现场以后,展开三脚架,放上主镜就可以了。液压云台的优势也此,几分钟搞定。如果在家经常抚摸的,平衡基本都不用调,真正做到即插即用。云台为云顿的V100,承托天九非常轻松。以上为摆拍的几张图,供大家欣赏。另外图片经过压缩,因此质量欠佳,先说声抱歉。 After arriving at the scene, unfold the tripod and put on the main mirror. The same is true of the advantages of the hydraulic gimbal. If you frequently touch at home, you don’t need to adjust your balance, and you can really plug and play. The gimbal is Yundun’s V100, which supports Tianjiu very easily. The above are a few pictures of posing for everyone to enjoy. In addition, the image has been compressed, so the quality is not good, so sorry first.
本次出摊不是专业评测,也不会对光学做出任何评价,只是例行出摊,更像是健身活动。手里有几对目镜,只是想在白天看看效果,更加了解此款小双更适合什么目镜或者自己更喜欢哪几款目镜。废话不多说,放上目镜后图,至于成像好坏,请镜友自行判断。 This booth is not a professional evaluation, nor will it make any comments on optics. It is just a routine booth, which is more like a fitness activity. I have a few pairs of eyepieces in my hand. I just want to see the effect during the day, and know more about which eyepieces this pair is more suitable for or which ones I prefer. Not much nonsense, put on the image after the eyepiece, as for the quality of the image, please judge by yourself.
最后再来张和不雷瑟的合影,祝大家周末愉快,谢谢观看! Finally, here is the group photo of Zhang and Breise, I wish you a happy weekend, thank you for watching!