Result of the local Armwrestling Match / 10/15のアーム大会の結果

preliminary-left / 予選−左

Local Armwrestling match, open category, took place in Tottori City yesterday. The venue was the chartered pub, “Moguraya”.
I won the second place (but with no prize) on the normal grade of the right hand.
The winner of the normal grade was Mr.W of my Dojo, and it was not far from what I had expected.
On the left hand, my condition was too good on the elimination match that I was chosen into the expert section at the final match, and I dropped out early.
Our leader, and the host of this match,too strong, did not enter the right hand match to give the chance to other competitors. The right-hand winner on the expert section was the guy from Yonago City, Mr.N.

ノーマルの右の優勝者は我が道場のW君で、妥当な結果でした。 また、外部からの(無名の)新人に強者がいたのは予想外でした。(善戦していました。)


Dr.M passed away. / M 先生、さようなら。

I knew yesterday that Dr.M, ophthalmology specialist (eye-doctor)in Tottori City had passed away on 9th of this month. He was such a considerate doctor for his patients that he was very careful and modest in issuing the prescriptions for glasses.
And I feel it very honored that he would often seeked me for advices in making the critical decisions in his difficult cases on the prescriptions.
I pray that his soul may rest in peace, and always be by the side of his patients and lovers.


Rubber Gun / 連発ゴム銃

I was amazed by the wise mechanism of the four shooter of the rubber gun the son of my niece brought with him.

My niece, also an Ophtalmology Specialist, took a vist to me with her son yesterday.
I was impressed by the rubber gun the son got bought in Kurashiki-City before coming here.
The rubber gun was so unique that it was a four shooter. What a wise mechanism!





She presented this glass to me.

Lost to the sons of my nephew / 甥の子に負けた。

My nephew,Ophthalmology Specialist,took a visit to me with her wife and two sons, yesterday.
His two sons, the older is nine and two month’ and the yonger four and eight months,challenged me as a team on

I know average adult will have to use both hands to win over me in armwestling.
More over children, even in duo, should never defeat me even by four hands.
But I easily lost to the two sons’ team effort by four hands. I have leaned that we shold not underestimate

何と、兄弟連携の奇襲にあえなく惨敗! 子供を侮ってはいけません。^^; 後で聞いたら、甥と長男は毎週ボルダリングの練習をしているとのことで、
納得した次第。^^; 一対一で本気勝負をしないといけなくなる日も遠くないかも知れない。^^;

First Silver Medal at the local Arm-Wrestling match / 始めての銀メダル(米子がいな祭り杯)

Reverse side? Which is the face side?

Extra prize of the juicer. The fan is that the Muscular man of SDF personnel,I defeated at the third round, gave to me.


Are you a highschool student? You were so strong for your age.
君は高校生か? それにしては強かったよ。


Later proved to be you were also a body-builder. You looked taller than me by 10cm and having 10kg more weight at least.
あなたもボディビルダーだったんですね。 私よりも身長で10cm、体重で10kgは大きかった。


You, Muscular SDF personnel,your rumor has being heard even in Tottori City that you were the most powerful winning candidate.
I will successively train myself so that I would not be revenged by you someday.


You were the giant that standed out most conspicuously among the competitors. You looked far above 6-feet and I heard that you were 108kg in the weight.
I will revenge you next time.

あなたは体重108kgだそうで、地元のプロレスラーだと後で聞きました。 次回は雪辱できるように頑張ります。

試合後の光景: 自衛隊ブースの隣でした。



Commemorative day / 記念すべき日

This is the commemorative day, today.
When I was watching the H-alpha Sun through the Solar EMS-BINO near the entrance of my shop , my Master,Mr.NIshikawa(the leader of the Armwrestling Dojo), kindly brought me the new T-shirt designed for our Dojo.(Ths is the naked one.)
The shirt was so nice and I was extremely happy that I could share the vivid prominence of the Sun through the Binoscope. He was so efficient to catch the prominence of the Sun despite that it was his first experience.


Et tu Brute?(And you too, Brutus?) / ブルータス、お前もか?

Those with a guilty consciousness would be nervous at the title, or those who can be brazen-faced to betray me would never care about such a post?
I am not sure which is right.
Anyway, I am declaring that I never deserve the shameless betrayal by my friends or the client companies, becasase I can swear that I had been kind and honest to them all, toward my personal belief.

I will attach weight to the personal relationship with my clients from now on too, as a one-man-shop owner, and be honest, and never pretend to be a big company.

まあ、どちらにせよ、私は自分のポリシーにかけて、人の恨みを買って裏切られるような覚えは一切ないことを宣言しておきたい。 誠実と正直をモットーとするポリシーを今後も貫徹するのみだ。
client の方々とは、いつでもプライベートに向き合い、その信頼関係の元で仕事をする姿勢は今後も変えようがない。私は最後まで個人企業であって、会社を偽装するつもりも必要もない。

Local Arm-wrestling party / 地元でのアーム大会

The first Arm-Party organized by our Dojo was held last night at a bar in Tottori City.
I got one-Win and two-loss, but it is my memmorative first setp to the carrier of Armwrestling.

Anyway, I had blissful time last night over a cup of beer with my Arm-Friends.

応援を含めて、40名は会場に集まったか? 盛大な会になりました。
写真は、いつもの練習仲間との記念撮影。 もちろんフレーム外にも、世話になっている仲間はたくさん
います。 皆さん、本当にありがとう。 少年期よりストイックに孤独に目標に突っ走って来て、子育ても
一段落して気付くと、この年令になっていました。 今、置き去りにしてしまった物を取り戻しています。
そうそう、肝腎のアーム大会の成績は?、1勝2負。^^; 本戦初戦で1勝を挙げたのは、記念すべきこと。2戦目は
体重120kgはありそうな巨漢で、瞬殺ではなかったもののあえなく敗退。 敗者復活戦では、後ちょっと
まで相手を追い込んで勝ったと思って安心したところで戻されて逆転負け。 まあ、手応えがあった大会でした。

My mother suffering from bladder cancer / 母が入院

My 91-year-old mother will be hospitalized to undergo surgery for bladder cancer tomorrow.
She had launched the optical shop with my father from scratch with great difficulties.
The photo introducing below is one of her boast that was taken in memory of her reading aloud at the local Radio Station,NHK when she was in Junior-High.





2018,1/22追記: お陰様で母の手術は成功し、追記日現在に至るまで再発を見ず、元気にしております。

business partner / ビジネス・パートナー

Through 30-years’ experience of the delivery of my EMS, I have come across a lot of dealers or makers of telescopes.
Most of them are officially polite, but it will take decades for their real intentions to be revealed.
On the whole, they are apt to have more interest and ardor in the business results than in the dissemination and enlightenment with the EMS as the advent of the innovative erecting systems.

