LOGO carvings on the trunnion plate / 耳軸プレートへのロゴ彫刻
Leo above the closed city hall / 旧市庁舎に昇る獅子座(11/24, 03:13 AM)
The moon above the closed city hall /廃市庁舎の上の月
Dear Thomas,
Dear Thomas,
Your order is ready to ship.
Please let me know of your shipping address ASAP.
(There seems to be some mailing trouble.)
Handle rod and Counter-Weight-system / 操作ハンドル兼カウンターウェイトシステム
Prominence of this morning / 11/17朝のプロミネンス
Accessory Plate on the carriage handle / 運搬取手に着脱するアクセサリープレート
Prominence of this morning / 今朝のプロミネンス
Encoder setting on the HF2-MOUNT
A horizontal encoder and my AAS-2(altitude sensor) will give you the perfect PushTo assistance with the SkySafari App.