正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
In December time has come to test my improved bino under the alpine sky at temperatures down to minus 15/20 degrees. Dear Mr Matsumoto let me tell You my summary experience: The Schwarz Bino works simply fantastic. I discovered a new night sky compared to my old 26×100 Miyauchi. Only a few examples under 6,0 mag conditions:
– The Orion nebula at 30x like in good photos with undescribable details – The E and F components of Trapezium no problem at 90x – The Flaming Tree Nebula with dark strunk and branches at 30x – Open clusters M 35, M 37 and others like bee swarms at 30x – The neighbour cluster of M 35 NGC 2158 at 60x at the beginning of resolution with averted vision – Eps Lyr already split at 90X under good seeing conditions – M 81 with dark lanes at 60x – NGC 891 with central bulge easy with direct vision at 60x
Though I know the bino is a richfield instrument, I had stunning views to Saturn. Using a fringe filter I saw at 150x the planet with six moons, the Cassinidivision roundabout an equatorial stripe and a brown south polar region.
Dear Mr Matsumoto, let me finally say: Though I had to do some (in my opinion necessary) improvements, it was absolutely worth to wait for and acquire Your new Schwarz Bino. It opened me a new dimension of binoviewing. Thank You once more for Your efforts.Best regards Klaus Zott
Comment by Matsumoto/ 管理者のコメント; ドイツのWenglerさんより、EMSを使用した3台の自作BINOと、これまた自作のニュートン反射BINOの画像を 送っていただいたので、取り急ぎ掲載させていただきます。 メールアドレスの掲載の可否やや反射BINOの詳細についてのご返事がまだありませんが、また詳細が分かりましたら追加いたします。 3台の屈折BINOの素材鏡筒は以下の引用文(Wengler氏からのメールから抜粋)の通りです。
”some time ago I promised to send pictures of my binoculars, realized with Your EMS-systems. FinalIy, I will send You fotos of my three refractor binos, 1. AstroPhysics Starfire 7inch, 2. AstroPhysics Traveler and 3. AstroPhysics Stowaway.”
The newton is a 10 inch f6, mirrors are from Barry Arnold/Canada and measured on a Zeiss interferometer to have am rms error of 16 and 18 nanometer. The coatings are from Spectrum Coatings. Focuser is from Darastro/Canada. It is special in that You can change interpupillary adjustment without changing focus.
The azimut bearing is a modified Giro 2 mount. Both carbon tubes with cradle have a total weight of only 65 lbs, the base of 25 lbs.