正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
I am sending you photos of my completed binoscope. All is perfect.
I am enjoying the views very much. My self-made mount functions very well in all respects. I even find no need to add any friction adjustment capability, because the adjustable stainless steel weights allow perfect quick adjustment for fine balance with any eyepiece pair to perfectly hold any altitude. Of course, this idea was given to me from the photograph of the TOA-130 binoscope on your web site. It was a very good idea and I thank you for it.
Perhaps the only disadvantage of the TOA-130 is the heavy weight, which requires more careful setup and take down, especially the take down in the dark. But of course the big advantage is the optical near perfection.
I am not exactly happy with these photos, because it is hard to see detail of the black mount when the sky background it so bright. I hope to take some better photos on a cloudy day to send you some better photo.
Thank you for the link. Now, yes, I would like to add to my report these comments:———————————–
Tatsuro, I want to thank you very much for your EMS backs that I purchased from Joe Castoro. Your EMS backs are very fine craftsmanship, and your design is very elegant. The system is easy to collimate and merging views is always easy. And I really appreciate the views that are oriented correctly up/down and left/right. The various adjustments have become easy to accomplish now with very little thought. This is all made possible by your great EMS invention.
Thank you for suggesting that I should use your Extra Large 65mm EMS backs. These TOA-130 are rather large diameter, and the Extra Large backs allow the tubes to be spaced a wider distance apart. I think assembly of the system would be less convenient with the 50mm EMS backs requiring closer spacing of the telescopes. Plus I am happy to know that there is never any vignetting with this system.
My eyesight is not perfect. My left eye has a little astigmatism, and my right eye has more astigmatism. The merging of two eye views results in an image quality that helps very much to overcome the defects of my eyesight, without wearing glasses. Thank you for making this possible.
I would also like to thank Joe Castoro for his advice and assistance in helped me to make a successful binoscope. Joe is a good partner for you in the USA.
Dear John, Congratulations on your completion of the fine “TOA130-BINO”! I am much proud of you on the splendid job. It is very interesting and exciting to see various approach that is different from mine, but as efficient as mine. I also note of your special talent of planning, too. I am also looking forward to your next plan and am always ready to assist you. Thank you for your generosity to allow me to put your name and e-mail link on this file, too. I am always welcome of your further contribution to this corner. Your friend, Tatsuro mustn’t forget to thank Mr.Joe Castoro who had kindly assisted him through his project, too.
High Landerには、VixenのXYスポット・ファインダーを取り付けています。これをそのままBINOに取り付る事が 可能ですが、今回は、国際光器の正立ファインダーを取り付ける予定です(納入待ち)。“正立像”で統一です。 前述した通り、実際にはファインダーが無くても導入に不自由しない程、使い勝手は良いです。
“Siempre me había sentido atraído por la osbservación binocular y a lo largo de mi vida he tenido muchos prismáticos mas o menos buenos. Pero fue cuando descubrí el invento del Sr. Matsumoto cuando mis sueños se hicieron realidad, plasmando mi pasión en estos extraordinarios binoscopios gracias a la aparición de EMS. Van equipados con dos Panoptics de 24 mm (que son de lo mejor que he conocido) y dos PowerMate x 2.5 para observación planetaria con Plosls de 12mm, todo ello de Tele Vue. Los planetas son como bolitas flotando en 3D, impresionantes, y los campos estelares de la Vía Láctea parece que se puedan tocar, tambien impresionantes. Desde aquí, quiero animar al Sr. Tatsuro Matsumoto en el camino de la investigación de la observación binocular.
Mario Muriel – Spain.”
“I always had been attracted by the osbservation by binoculars and throughout my life I have had many more or less good binoculars. But it was when I discovered the invention of Mr. Matsumoto taht my dreams were actually put my passion in these extraordinary binoscopios thanks to the emergence of EMS. Van Panoptics equipped with two 24 mm (which are the best thing I have ever met) and two PowerMate x 2.5 for planetary observation with Plosls of 12mm, all of Tele Vue. The planets are like balls floating in 3D, impressive, and the stellar fields of the Milky Way seems to be playing, also impressive. From here, I want to encourage Mr. Tatsuro Matsumoto in the way of investigating the observation by EMS-BINO.
Mario Muriel – Spain. “
Comment by Matsumoto/ 管理者のコメント;
Thank you very much for your second tribute to my website. Let me admire your craftsmanship and the right skill of adjusting the system.