正立ミラーシステム(EMS)を開発した松本龍郎のサイト。 たった2回の反射で天体望遠鏡の像を正立像にします。
Tatsuro Matsumoto; Inventor of the EMS, Erecting Mirror System. EMS offers non reversed upright image with no additional undesirable abberations.
カテゴリー: BINO Progress Report | 製作状況速報
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As the client had not sent his Goto Mount here, I have to prepare some temporary mount to do the final assembly of the C5-BINO. I chose the HF2 mount for the 115ED-BIONO that is extended by 30mm from the original one. That is the perfect width for the C5-BINO.
EMS-UL set with helicoid for the C5-BINO is in the making.Note that no joint rings are required to install the helicoid on the EMS housings.That’s the reason for the lowest profile with the helicoid.
After elaborating the plan for a long time, I have just ordered the materials for the C5-BINO.It will be a herald model of the next generation EMS-BINO, rather than one of the new binoscopes.It will be a sample model of the ultimate mechanism of fixed OTAs with a focus compensator.