Band and Dovetail (APM140-BINO)
upgrading the 31.7mm size diagonal / 31.7天頂プリズムのアップグレード
I will show you the gimic of enlarging the entrance opening from 28mm to 30mm. Futile effort for getting only another 2mm of the opening?? Absolutely No! Just compare the before and after images shown in the last photo.
ある目的のために、31.7mm天頂プリズムのバレルを2インチ化する加工を施しました。 「31.7→50.8ADを取り付ければ同じことだ。」ですって??、とんでもありません。オリジナルの31.7バレルは内径が28㎜しかなく、さらにバレルの長さの先端がそれで制限されているのに対し、本来の31.7バレルを撤去して2インチバレル仕様にすると、ちゃんとプリズムの入射面辺りで30㎜の入射窓径が確保できるのです。 わずか2㎜の違いですが、面積の印象は、最後の写真で比較いただけば一目瞭然です。
Processing of the clamp lever (Center Mount) / クランプレバーの加工
EPS; Innovative Erecting Prism System / 画期的な正立プリズム
Amici prism with rhomboid prism on top is not new and used on the recently released APM100/120-90deg. binoculars, as you know.
My idea is quire different from it, despite that 4 relfections are used incluging one Amici.
The shorter the better is the distance between Amici and eye-piece, and the best position of AMICI is just under the eye-piece. The longer distance from eye-piece means the larger AMICI required. In the case of my Prism System, the AMICI locates just next to the eye-piece and gives the enough lateral shift in combination with the mating right angle prism as a unit. The point is that the second group of “2+3″(one right angle prism+Amici; 3 reflections in total) in the position above will not cause any image rotation by the motion of IPD change. In general, any odd number’s reflections system in U-return won’t cause any rotation of the image, just like the even nuber’s reflections system in the same direction won’t cause any image rotation either.
Studying other erecting system will lead to admit the speriority of the EMS in the end.
(2回反射で正立像が得られる)EMSは基本的な光路構造はもう変えようがありませんが、「仮に4回反射の条件で新規な方法がないものか?」ということについて、思考実験を 重ねたことがあり、ずっと以前(20年以上前)に到達していたアイデアをこの度試作して検証しました。
4回反射の内の2回は、EMSもしくはアミチが入るのですが、残りの2回をどう処理するかです。広く知られた方法は、アミチの上に菱形プリズムを配置して光路 長変化の無い、接眼部回転による目幅調整を実現したものです。しかし、この方法は、アミチプリズムが接眼レンズから相当遠くなり、光束が太くなる上にダハの悪影響が顕著になるため、倍幅の巨大なアミチを用意して、稜線を光路から避けて使用することが多いようです。
Two pairs of the EMS-UXL sets completed
Mirrors ready to be installed into the housings:
The first stage of the assembly:
Two pairs of the EMS-UXL sets completed:
One is for the US,TEC-140, and the other for the 15cmF5-BINO.
EMS-UXL 2セットです。 一組は米国向け、TEC-140に使用されるそうです。
Eye Booster / 巨人の眼(テレコンBINO)
Base holes being made. 下穴工程。
The IPD is 70mm because of the diameter of the lens. But, because of the extra-large eye-lenses and the excellent off-axis performance, there was no strain even for me of 62mm of the IPD. Your eye performance will be boosted up to twice, as if you became 12-feet of the Giant, that must be a thrilling experience.
EWV32mm comes back as “MASUYAMA32mm”
I do not like the new eye-ring that consumes some of the eye-relief.
But, later found it was replaceable.
The field stop is as large as 47mm as before.
Warning against false spec display on FOV / 上げ底表記にも限度がある!
It is very like actors or singers fudging on their height for their popularities. But I think they never fudge by inches, for fear of the fudge to be exposed, while there seems to be so many eye-pieces in the market as too much FOV displayed in the specs.