EMS-US for the single use / 単体用EMS-US

These might be common pictures for you who have been watching my website.
Here I am showing the minimum profiled connection of the standard housings.
Most of the sizes of the standard housings are 2″(-inch), male or female, in common for the convenience of the users to make the most of the personal applications.
The default twisting angle is so clear to restore that you have only to make the entrance and exit openings intersect each other by the right angle.

If you have a bit more patience to read the closer explanation, I will show you the
amazing numeric secret of the EMS.
What is the right twisting angle of the EMS from the assumed starting position of one-dimensional connection of EMS of 120-deg deflection? Let’s assume the angle is “beta”.
Look at the diagram below.

You may know the ratio of the standard business paper is one by square root of two (1:1.4142….).
The angle “alpha” between the diagonal line and the long side is the same as the inclination of second light path of the EMS seen from behind.

And,2x-alpha = beta(70.5287…deg.)=the very twisting angle of the EMS!!
And cos(beta)=1/3. Isn’t it amazing???
And the ratio of 1:1.4142…. is called the “Silver Ratio”. Am I the only one who feel it so divine??

11/01 追記:EMSの数字的な神秘?について、以前より時々ご紹介していますが、皆さん、割りと無関心なようで、掲載する度に、正直、がっかりします。 まあ、「見えれば良い。」ということでしょうかね。^^; 確かに、EMSは原理を知らなくても使えますしね。 でも原理が理解できると、ずっと楽しさも増すんですけどね。^^;

Portable Center Mount near completion / 軽量中軸完成間近

R付きプレートの1枚だけ、アルマイトされてて不思議に思われたことでしょう。^^ 前回、一度改造した際に余ったプレート(アルマイト済)を使用したからです。(こうしたことは時々あります。)

Cases of the Altitude Sensor (AAS-2) / 傾斜センサーのケース加工

Cases of the altitude sensor are in the processing.
加工中の傾斜センサーのケース。 CNCフライスの真骨頂の仕事です。

The lid part is so thin that the utmost care at processing is needed.

デジタルパーツの進歩によって、アナログ部分の設計製作の負担が飛躍的に楽になるようなケースが、今後もあるのかも知れません。 いや、それどころか、いずれは眼視手段そのものが完全にデジタル化されてしまうのかな?(写真はとっくの昔にそうなっています。)


The appeal of Arm-Wrestling / アームレスリングの魅力

Here is Japanese saying, “Haeba tate, tateba ayume no oyagokoro.”
The meaning is;
“Stand if you crawl, Walk if you stand. It is parental affection.”
I am just receiving such kind guidance from the senior arm-wrestlers in my Arm-Dojo. I have almost acquired the knak of the top-roll and am learning the special knak of gripping. They are very serious and kind in improving my skill.
No other sport or hobby is more decisive and faster in choosing the winner than Arm-Wrestling.
In other word, Arm-Wrestling is the rare sport in which the efforts will be clearly rewarded.
Look into the cyber field, you will find so many false authorities sprinkling sloppy informations and they are shadowing the truth. But, in the world of Arm-Wrestling, the stronger will always win!


EMS-UM and -UL for the single use are completed. 単体用のEMS-UM と EMS-UL です。

The copiers seem not to have noticed yet, but the outlines of the EMS mirrors are more than the simple geometric ellipse, but the special shape to ensure the maximum FOV with maximum brightness.

No one has asked me why the two thumb screws are perfectly aligned.
The answer is the after processing of the thread hole just before the delivery.

EMS-UM/-USの接眼アダプターが、天側の31.7AD部と基部の2インチキャップが36.4ネジで合体した構造になっているのは、すでに当サイトの説明をお読みになっていると思います。 ただ、それぞれのローレットネジが同じ方向を向いていることについて、今日に至るまで一件もご質問がなかったことに、ちょっとした落胆と驚きを禁じ得ません。


Shaft holders completed / ウェイト軸(兼ハンドルロッド)ホルダー完成

Very simple parts of each consisted of one block though, there are so many chamfering edges and the processing is more painstaking one than you would expect.


Result of the local Armwrestling Match / 10/15のアーム大会の結果

preliminary-left / 予選−左

Local Armwrestling match, open category, took place in Tottori City yesterday. The venue was the chartered pub, “Moguraya”.
I won the second place (but with no prize) on the normal grade of the right hand.
The winner of the normal grade was Mr.W of my Dojo, and it was not far from what I had expected.
On the left hand, my condition was too good on the elimination match that I was chosen into the expert section at the final match, and I dropped out early.
Our leader, and the host of this match,too strong, did not enter the right hand match to give the chance to other competitors. The right-hand winner on the expert section was the guy from Yonago City, Mr.N.

ノーマルの右の優勝者は我が道場のW君で、妥当な結果でした。 また、外部からの(無名の)新人に強者がいたのは予想外でした。(善戦していました。)


Dr.M passed away. / M 先生、さようなら。

I knew yesterday that Dr.M, ophthalmology specialist (eye-doctor)in Tottori City had passed away on 9th of this month. He was such a considerate doctor for his patients that he was very careful and modest in issuing the prescriptions for glasses.
And I feel it very honored that he would often seeked me for advices in making the critical decisions in his difficult cases on the prescriptions.
I pray that his soul may rest in peace, and always be by the side of his patients and lovers.
